The questions, answers, and material of this survey are based on current public information that we consider to be reliable. We do not represent that it is accurate or complete for every IT company. The results should not be relied on as fact or guarantee career advancement. We seek to update this information as needed, however various regulations may prevent us from integrating these changes. Other than additional industry contributions provided on a periodic basis, the large majority of insights on leadership are distributed on an irregular schedule. We do our best to keep our content as up-to-date as possible to give you the most accurate information.

Our research used to construct this survey does not constitute a person making a recommendation for an IT position or any position the taker is a candidate or applying for. The information submitted by the taker is used specifically for data that will reflect on what qualities constitute a leader within IT. This does not take into account the financial situations or needs of individual takers or the work environment of their position. This is provided as a service. Upon taking the survey, permission is given for ITML Insititute to use as needed to develop further research to develop the content of the survey.

No part of this material or any research report may be copied, photocopied or duplicated in any form by any means, digital reproduction, distribution, or republication, and/or retransmission of material contained within this website are prohibited unless the prior written permission of ITML Insitute has been obtained.

Additionally, if you have any questions or have issues with the content, problems with the user interface, or complications upon submitting the survey, please contact us at or fill out a form on our Contact Page.

We are always looking to make our content as accurate and up-to-date as possible. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any information on how we can do that.