Affiliate Marketing Program
ITML Institute’s mission is to enhance the management and leadership capabilities of those working within IT and of the IT function itself.
We would like to please encourage you to assist us in this mission by applying to our affiliate marketing program.
If your business activities bring you in contact with IT senior individual contributors, IT managers, IT executives, and/or CIOs, j
oining our affiliate program can help you help your clients by:
- Referring them to training that can enhance their personal job performance, position them for promotion, and accelerate their upward professional growth
- Enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of their IT management teams
- Maximizing the value of IT to the organization it serves
All this, plus receiving affiliate revenue and your client’s loyalty for your efforts.
If approved into our affiliate marketing program, you will receive a 15% commission on the first year’s sales that the ITML Institute generates for introductions.
As an example, for each person you help place in one of our ITMLP, ITMLE, or ITMLS classes, you receive $300 ($1,995 X 15% = $300)
The affiliate process is really easy:
- We provide you with a digital marketing kit, including everything you need including:
- Trackable links to our website
- Graphics, videos, and course descriptions
- Include these links in your newsletter, marketing emails, podcasts, videos, and other appropriate locations
- Your client registers for one of our classes and you get paid after class completion