Be skeptical and engaged not cynical: It fosters innovation
As the IT Manager of a busy department with too much to do and not enough people to do it, it’s easy to simply say no and walk away when a member of your staff suggests an idea for a new project, process improvement, or potential opportunity. The problem with this approach is that it sends the wrong message to the members of your staff. I’m not saying here that you should do every idea that your staff suggests, that would be impossible and, quite frankly, odds are that not all of the staff suggestions would be worth doing. What I am suggesting is that you do the following: Listen carefully to each suggestion. Who knows, it may be a really good idea and something that you would like to implement within your department. Discuss the rationale behind the suggestion. This discussion will allow you to not only gain an understanding of the issue at hand, but it will also give you insights as to how the employee assesses situations, defines problems, constructs action plans, and presents his/her business case. These insights into your staff member’s abilities is valuable when trying to delegate tasks, provide training, give performance reviews, and deciding how to promote. Thank the employees for their initiative. Whether you use their idea or not, even whether you like it or not, thanking the employee for taking the time and caring enough to make the suggestion has many advantages, including: You are letting the employee know that he/she is being [...]