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Class Description

Using Influence Strategies to Maximize Presentation Success

This Using Influence Strategies to Maximize Presentation Success course, based on Eric Bloom’s book “Office Influence: Get What You Want from the Mailroom to the Boardroom”, describes how to combine two fundamental workplace activities, presentations and influence, in a way that helps you meet your speaking objectives and accelerate your professional success.

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of the Using Influence Strategies to Maximize Presentation Success course, students will be able to:

  • Use influence techniques to increase presentation effectiveness toward reaching your business objectives
  • Prepare and present high quality and effective business presentations
  • Use influence techniques to enhance business relationships with meeting participants


  • One day

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Pre-class activities by each attendee (optional):

  • Ten-minute online survey on the importance of various personal influential attributes
  • Fifteen-minutes online personal assessment of workplace influential presence
  • Computer-generated individualized “Influence Enhancement Analysis and Action Plan”

In-class activities and features

  • Survey results: Summary of your team’s influence-based culture
  • Assessment summary: Overall team’s influence-based strengths, weaknesses and training needs
  • Discussion of industry-leading influence-based concepts
  • Insights into ready-to-use techniques designed to enhance your team’s influence with management, peers, staff, customers, investors, board members and others

Post-class activities (optional)

  • 360 online assessments of the leadership team or individual team members
  • Team or individual executive coaching to enhance influential capabilities
  • Ongoing online re-assessment to track progress and future steps

Class Topics include:

  • 1. Influence Factors
    • Factors that affect people’s willingness to say “yes”
  • 2. Influence Currencies
    • Things people want/need in return for being influenced
  • 3. Influential Presence
    • Your ability to influence others based on your stature, skills and personal attributes
    • 53 Attributes that effect your office Influence
  • 4. Situational Influence
    • Knowledge-based power
    • Organizational-based power
  • 5. Presentation Audience Analysis
    • Who is in the audience
    • What your audience wants
    • Your goals from the presentation
    • What you want them to do
    • Your level of situational influence
  • 6. Presentation Delivery
    • Practice Types
    • Initial Practice
    • Audience Practice Process
    • Just Before Your Presentation
    • When Entering the Room
    • Watching Your Audience
    • Watching Yourself
    • Dealing with Challenging Situations
    • Questions and Answers (Q&A)
    • Planting Seed Questions
    • Expected Question
    • Unplanned Questions
  • 7. Owning and Influencing the Room
    • Step 1: Participant Research
    • Step 2: Pre-Presentation Influence Tactics
    • Step 3: Presentation Influence Tactics
  • 8. Building Longer-Term Influence
    • Provide Thought Leadership
    • Facilitate Reciprocity
    • Provide Influence Currencies

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