What the Boy Scouts Taught Me About IT Management and IT Client Service
It’s hard for me to believe, but it was about fifty years ago that I received my Eagle Scout award. There were two of us, myself and a friend. Achieving this level within scouting was a significant amount of work, but it was also a lot of fun. What I didn’t understand at the time, as my friend Barry and I stood on the stage to receive our Eagle badges, was the lifelong lessons I had learned that would help me in various ways as I grow older. There were, of course, the obvious lessons, such as knot making, which to this day helps me to properly tie things to the roof of my car in a way that they won’t fly off when driving on the highway. What I didn’t understand until much later in life, was that the principles I had learned in scouting as a young man, in my early and mid-teens, would help guide my personal and professional life. In addition to learning how to pitch tents and safely start fires, I was also required to memorize a few short statements, such as the scout motto, scout pledge, and a few other short sayings designed to make me a better person and valued member of the community. One of these sayings in particular was the “Scout Law”: “A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.” I’m no longer involved with scouting, so I don’t know if the Scout Law has [...]