5 important presentation tips for Technical Managers
Help! You have just asked to make a formal 30-minute presentation to senior management on the on the new cloud application you just moved into production. What do you do? The answer, consider the following: At a high level, begin your presentation with a short (five minutes maximum) PowerPoint based overview of the system’s overall data and functionality, followed by a live demonstration of the system, and ending with a short question/answer session. Regarding your short (yes, I said short again because it’s really important) opening PowerPoint, you could potentially include the types of slides listed below. When reviewing this list, note that the goal here is simply to give your audience a context that enables them to understand (and appreciate) the live demonstration of the system. Slide 1: An opening slide contains the system’s name and your name This is important to orient your audience as to what you will be showing them. A typical senior manager’s day is going from meeting to meeting. As a result, it would be good to remind them why they are there. Slide 2: A very high level overview of the data contained in the system As an example, this slide could say the system includes company financials, sales forecasts/pipeline, inventory levels, staffing levels, market share statistics, etc. Slide 3: A very high level overview of the system’s primary functionality As an example, this slide could say the system has standardized reports, ad hoc reporting capabilities, drill down capabilities, advanced analytics, etc. Slide 4: Ask [...]