Who has inspired your management style?
Who are the managers you have had in the past that have inspired your management style? The interesting thing about this question is that inspiration can come from many unexpected places. Have you ever had a great manager that you looked up to? As a child did you have a sports coach that you looked up to? Did you volunteer your time to a charitable, religious, or civic organization and are spellbound by the leadership’s ability to lead and inspire others? In many ways managing people is like raising children. That said, can you draw management inspiration from your mother and/or father? Did you have a high school teacher or college professor who changed your life? If you think it’s easy to properly manage a classroom, you should try it. Like most things in life, it’s much harder than it appears. Is there a person in your life, such as a relative or friend, who you admire and try to emulate? Management inspiration can also come from negative experiences. Have you ever had a manager who was indecisive, unorganized, professionally incompetent, uninterested, or just plain mean? The reason it’s very appropriate to learn from your worst managers is because it teaches you what not to do. Working for a really poor manager teaches you what it feels like to report to this type of person. Chances are you don’t want your team to look at you the way you look at and think about your less than desirable managers. The reason that [...]