Can’t find the IT skills you need? Take a closer look at your team

This post was first published in my “Developing IT Leaders” column on The war for talent in key IT technologies, such as cloud, cybersecurity, and machine learning continue to grow in both intensity and geography.  The intensity is increasing because of the accelerated movement to the cloud, security breaches growing in both frequency and magnitude, companies scrambling to add AI functionality into their systems, and a host of other related IT megatrends.  Geographic competition has expanded as a result of COVID-19, forcing companies to be more open to hiring remote staff and allowing employees to demand a permanent work-from-home option.  This two-sided coin has allowed companies to widen the size of their hiring pools and employees to look for new jobs outside their physical location. The interaction of these factors has made it harder to hire and retain high quality IT talent. Harnessing the combination of your IT team’s hidden and transferable skills and knowledge can dramatically reduce your hiring and retention difficulties. Hidden skills and knowledge are not really hidden as the name implies.  They are just not being used in the employee’s current job role.  For example, you may have a programmer working on accounting systems who has an undergraduate degree in applied mathematics or a business analyst who was a high school science teacher.  Neither of these employees are hiding their background in mathematics or teaching, it’s just that no one in the office knows about these skills because they are not relevant to the person’s current job. [...]

By |2021-10-29T20:38:35+00:00November 23rd, 2021|

7 techniques to enhance your power to persuade

This post was first published in my “Developing IT Leaders” column on As an IT executive, your ability to influence others in the workplace is an essential component of professional success. Just think of all the times you need the assistance or approval of your C-suite peers to achieve your objectives. This includes everything from gaining the support of your business partners on an important IT initiative or facilitating companywide adoption of a recently implemented technology to raising the awareness of cybersecurity threats or convincing a vendor to give you their best consultants. The list goes on and on. Here are seven techniques that will help you maximize your influence in the workplace. 1. Action Reaction With this influence technique, as the name suggests, you act in a specific way with the goal of getting others to also act in a particular way.  To quote Steve Jobs, “A leader leads by example, whether he intends to or not.”  The best way to get your IT team to act in specified ways, such as driving innovation or providing proactive internal customer service, is to exhibit those actions yourself. 2. Ad Hoc Committee Leadership When an ad hoc committee begins, it follows the same four stages of group development as formalized permanent teams.  These four stages, based on research by Bruce Tuckman in 1965, are forming, storming, norming, and performing. Therefore, when an ad hoc group first begins, if you take an early leadership role, simply by handling the group’s logistics (when and [...]

By |2021-10-29T19:32:22+00:00November 16th, 2021|

How and why to start an IT technical fellowship program

This post was first published in my “Developing IT Leaders” column on IT pros at the top of their careers as individual contributors are often faced with few career choices: Go into management or stay where they are. Establishing an IT Technical Fellow career track can change that, providing a new way to recognize and retain top talent Close your eyes and imagine if your top technical individual contributor within software infrastructure, cybersecurity, software development, and data center operations all came to you tomorrow and, each for his/her own reasons, gave notice that they were leaving your company.  How would you feel? Certainly, your IT organization would survive, but would it be a major loss in IT corporate knowledge, creativity, resilience, and operational capability?  If your answer is yes, then you might want to consider new ways to motivate and retain these key technologists throughout their careers, including establishing an IT Technical Fellow career track. What is a technical fellowship program? The concept of “technical fellow” job titles for extraordinary and experienced technical professionals has been around for many years, typically for individuals working in the product/mission and R&D sides of their organizations.  The IBM Fellows program, for example, was started in 1962 to promote creativity among the company's "most exceptional" technical professionals and is granted in recognition of outstanding and sustained technical achievements and leadership in engineering, programming, services, science, design and technology. The  Boeing Technical Fellowship program began in 1989, and these engineers and scientists help set Boeing technical [...]

By |2021-10-29T19:32:11+00:00November 9th, 2021|

Looking to advance your IT career? Join the club

This post was first published in my “Developing IT Leaders” column on  Many IT practitioners of all organizational levels have longstanding opinions on the value of personal involvement in professional associations.  They vary widely from considering it the most important factor in their professional success to being a total waste of time.  I know senior IT leaders who strongly suggest their staff become involved in industry-related activities, and others who strongly discourage membership or attendance at professional association meetings, user conferences, and other collections of IT executives or practitioners. It’s been my experience, both personally and through the observation of others, that the value you receive from professional associations is directly correlated to your level of personal participation and involvement.  Participation is showing up at meetings, listening to the speakers, and networking with others as the meeting schedule/agenda allows.  Involvement is joining the local chapter’s board of directors, helping plan an event, or otherwise contributing to the association. The value of professional associations is not from simply going to an event now and again based on the speaker’s topic or having nothing better to do that evening.  The value comes from attending meetings month-in and month-out, regardless of the topic or meeting format. Ongoing participation in the IT association of your choice helps you: Stay current on IT trends and technologies by talking with meeting sponsors and vendors. Widen your perspective on the IT profession by listening to the speakers and engaging in conversations with other association members. Gain insights into [...]

By |2021-10-29T19:13:56+00:00November 2nd, 2021|

Leading a hybrid IT workforce: 10 steps to ease the transition

This post was first published in my “Developing IT Leaders” column on It’s a mistake for IT leaders to believe that managing a hybrid team is like managing the full work-from-home teams of 2020 or the on-shore/offshore teams of the previous decades. Today’s emerging hybrid environment is different, more complex, and fraught with organizational risk. IT’s traditional organizational structure, culture, and processes for managing virtual resources around the block, around the country, and around the world, evolved over decades of organizational growth, technological enhancement, and business opportunities.  The sudden and unexpected work-from-home environment caused by COVID-19 was driven by legal requirements, health concerns, and organizational preservation. Today’s hybrid workplace is different. It’s not evolutionary.  It’s not forced upon us by legal  or health requirements.  It’s being driven strictly and only by management decision.  Even worse, everyone has their own opinion on how it should be done, including senior organizational leadership, IT management, and the IT employees themselves. Because of all these factors, pivoting from work-from-home to a hybrid workplace is much more complex than simply bringing people back to the office; it’s a rapid change in organizational culture, processes, human resource policies, and other related areas. As a result, you must properly prepare your IT supervisors, managers, and executives to lead in this newly created workplace by following these ten steps: 1. Seek the input of all IT leaders and individual contributors on their future workplace Asking the entire IT team about their thoughts on a future all-in-office, all-virtual, or hybrid [...]

By |2021-11-02T20:17:10+00:00October 29th, 2021|

6 Tips on Maximizing IT Client Service

As an IT Manager, never forget the importance of teaching and emphasizing the importance of client service to your staff. I was in Washington DC for the second time in three weeks to provide training to a client.  On my first trip to Washington, I was able to stay at a Marriot Fairfield Inn right next door to my client’s office.  For the second trip, however, I was forced to stay at a hotel about three miles away because there was a convention in town and my hotel of choice was filled. On the morning of the last day of my second trip, I returned to the Fairfield Inn with luggage in hand.  The person behind the registration desk recognized me from my prior stay at the hotel and asked me if I wanted to check it.  I told her that not being able to secure a reservation at her hotel because of a local conference, I had stayed a few miles away at a different hotel.  I went on to say that I had come to the hotel that morning to ask if they would please check my suitcase for a few hours so I would not have to bring it to my client’s meeting.  Being a frequent Marriot client, she happily agreed to provide me assistance and even offered me cup of coffee as I was leaving the hotel.  This may seem like a trivial, easy and no cost way to help a customer.  Well, it is, but for the [...]

By |2021-04-30T00:30:15+00:00June 21st, 2021|

Delegation Based on Programmed and Lateral Thinking

I’d like to begin by describing the difference between thinking programmed and lateral thinking.  Programmed thinking is the process of using structured methodologies and/or logical algorithmic processes to solve problems, make decisions, and/or create new product offerings.  Lateral thinking is, by its nature, more creative than programmed thinking and facilitates pattern recognition, language, and out-of-the-box thinking. As an IT Manager, an understanding of this concept can help you effectively delegate tasks to your staff in a way that plays to each employee’s personal strengths.  Good managers tend to do this through intuition and experience (lateral thinking), but by defining it, it can provide added insights and a more structured way (programmed thinking) to effectively delegate. To see this principle in action, let’s say you have two tasks you would like to delegate.  The first task is reviewing your monthly vs. actual budget report and the second task is writing a client proposal with the hope of gaining additional business.  At first glance, you may believe this is easy, namely ask the programmed thinker to review the budget and the lateral thinker to write the new business proposal.  Well, this may or may not be the case.  For example, you may be having trouble managing your budget because business conditions and product/vendor costs have varied widely from what you had originally anticipated.  Therefore, while programmed thinking is required to properly report expenditures; lateral thinking will be required to find creative ways to modify your expenses in future months to keep the budget in [...]

By |2021-04-30T00:24:13+00:00June 7th, 2021|

Writing Meeting Agendas: Tips and Tactics

Believe it or not, a well written agenda can enhance your meeting and help you achieve your business goals. If done correctly, a meeting agenda can greatly enhance your meeting by: Setting expectation of meeting attendees Keeping the meeting on track in regard to discussed topics and subject matter Helping manage the time spent on each topic Allowing people to mentally prepare for the topics being discussed Helping you keep away from topics you don’t want to discuss in the meeting (because it’s not on the agenda) Acting as a check list to assure that all needed topics are raised during the meeting As additional food for thought, the simple act of distributing your meeting agenda a few days prior to the meeting taking place, via the email-based invitation or other automated or manual means, has the following advantages: Allows meeting participants to properly prepare for the topics being discussed Saves people who are not interested in the topics being discussed from attending the meeting Helps assure that people who have a vested interest in the topics being discussed will attend your meeting Provides general status information to those who can attend the meeting as to what you are working on With the advantages of using a meeting agenda now defined, the question is “How should an agenda be written to maximize its effectiveness?” The first and most obvious requirement is that an agenda must clearly outline the topics that will be included in the meeting and order in which they will [...]

By |2021-04-30T00:21:17+00:00May 31st, 2021|

Protect your schedule using the “Near-Time Far-Time” concept

As an executive, very often your most limited resource is your own time.  This concept, which I have personally used for many years, has three great benefits: Helps protect you from filling your schedule with meetings and events that are less than optimal toward meeting your business goals Used in reverse, helps you schedule time with other busy people Used in reverse, helps you secure the best possible people for your future projects This may seem like extraordinary advantages for a time management technique, but it’s true and this is how it works. The underlying concept behind this technique is that people are much more protective of their commitments and schedule in the near-time (the next two or three weeks), than they are of their far-time (out two or three months from now).  The reason for this phenomenon is that people generally have a strong mental picture of their short term: Business commitments and work deliverables Longer range projects nearing their delivery dates Problems which have arisen and must be dealt with Unforeseen business opportunities that have seemingly come out of the blue Personal time commitments, such as doctor appointments and kids’ soccer games The uncomfortable feeling that your calendar is so filled with meetings that you will not have time to complete/perform the previously mentioned items For all of these reasons, busy people are very protective of their short-term time because they can mentally calculate their short-term workload. People’s far-time schedule is much less defined. Many business commitments and work deliverables [...]

By |2024-10-16T14:39:47+00:00May 24th, 2021|

Be willing to let your team members fail

This may sound a little harsh, but once you understand the meaning behind this statement, I believe that you will see that I’m suggesting a way to help, not hurt, those who work for you. Within certain bounds, giving the members of your team the opportunity to fail provides them with a safety net over which they can feel comfortable taking calculated professional risks and, in turn, help advance the organization and simultaneously grow professionally. By allowing members of your team to fail, I don’t mean losing a major client, hurting their professional reputation, or costing the company a large sum of money that could cost them their employment.  It does, however, allow them to: Define new techniques that improve existing department processes Design new product concepts Make a client presentation with you sitting in the back of the room helping them succeed if needed Try to develop a new skill that’s good for the company and their career Sit for a certification exam that they only have a 50% chance of passing Experiment with new technologies that could create company value if they are successful In essence, you are creating an environment that facilitates experimentation, innovation, teamwork, and the chance to have a real business impact.  By not giving your team this opportunity to fail, you are in essence telling them not to try anything new unless they are 100% sure that it will be 100% successful the first time and if not successful, their promotion, future pay raise, or even [...]

By |2021-04-30T00:13:50+00:00May 17th, 2021|
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